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Writer's pictureEmergency Manager's Weekly Report

Tropical Storm Daniel Situation Report #6

· There are a total of 4,333 fatalities and 8,500 people are listed as missing.

· A total of 101 healthcare workers have died.

· 250,000 people have been targeted for receiving assistance and 125,000 people have been reached.

· At least 42,000 people have been internally displaced.

· A rapid-needs assessments has shown a high demand for the following assistance:

o Shelter/Non-Food Items

o Water, Sanitation and Hygiene

o Healthcare (including mental health and psychosocial support)

· The Libyan Red Crescent Society (LRCS) is still working in the affected areas providing aid and recovering bodies:

o The LRCS working in collaboration with the Libyan Armed Forces have provided humanitarian aid drops in areas south of the city of Al-Bayda.

· The humanitarian scale-up continues. A total of 21 humanitarian partners are operating in the affected areas.

· As of September 29th, humanitarian partners have provided the following assistance:

· 21,000 people have received 111 metric tons of food and 100,000 people still need food assistance.

· A total of 8,000 households have been reached with shelter and non-food item assistance.

· Over 4,000 dignity kits have been distributed.

· A total of 10 healthcare facilities and six field hospitals are being supported.

· A total of 17,000 people has been reached with hygiene items.

· There are 12 collective sites of accommodations operating to house displaced persons.

· There are six search and rescue teams and Emergency Medical Teams still active in the affected areas.

· Some schools in the affected areas have reopened.


· Libya: Flood Response Humanitarian Update (As of 3 October 2023)

· Libya Floods 2023: 20 days after (29 September 2023)

· Libya - Storm Daniel Flash Update 7 (29 September 2023) | Displacement Tracking Matrix

· UN in Libya Twitter Page

· Libyan Red Crescent Society Twitter Page


Libya: Flooding - Who What Where activity Baladayih level (1 Oct 2023) (New)

Power Supply Assessment in Derna & Al Bayda (Libya) Using Night-time Light Imagery, 27 September 2023 (New)

Power Supply Assessment in Benghazi (Libya) Using Night-time Light Imagery, 27 September 2023 (New)

Statement by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya on a unified Libyan response to the flood-affected areas (New)

UNOSAT Live Web Map

UN Refugee Agency, Help Libya Website

Center for International Disaster Information, Libya Flooding Website

Monetary Donations:

· UN Crisis Relief, Libya Floods Response

· Center for Disaster Philanthropy, 2023 Libya Floods

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