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Türkiye/Syria Earthquake Situation Report #6

Türkiye Highlights: · The Government is reporting 31,974 fatalities. · A total of 195,962 people has been evacuated from the affected areas. · A total of 249,089 search and rescue workers from the government and its partners are continuing search and rescue efforts. · A total of 12,235 vehicles, including construction equipment have been deployed to the affected areas. · A total of 80,000 people are hospitalized which is straining healthcare facilities. · Military Support Update: o A total of 4,214 sorties have been made with 170 helicopters and 76 aircraft. · Türkiye Red Crescent is reporting the following (as of February 14th): o A total of 961 staff and 4,565 volunteers have been deployed in the affected areas. o They have deployed 86 mobile catering units, 33 mobile ovens, 320 mobile kitchens and 22 field kitchens in the affected areas. o They have distributed the following commodities: ü 20.3 million Hot meals ü 10.2 million Ready-to-Eat Packages ü 15.4 million Bottles of water · Four mobilized Social Service Centers are operational in the affected areas. These centers have provided psychosocial support to a total of 256,605 people. · UNOSAT has conducted a flood impact analysis on the Orontes River which is on the Syrian/Türkyie border. A total of 18 kilometers appeared to have been flooded. · International Support Update: o A total of 9,456 teams from various countries have contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to offer assistance and have been deployed. o The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that on February 14th, a total of 12 Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) arrived. WHO is deploying another 10 teams soon. o WHO has deployed tetanus and rabies vaccines and several mobile pharmacies are now operational. Syrian Highlights: · As of February 13th, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs are reporting 4,400 fatalities and 8,600 injuries. · A total of 57,000 people has been displaced between February 6-13. · As of February 12th, more than 1,700 buildings have been destroyed and more than 6,300 buildings have been damaged. · Syrian Civil Defense (White Helmets) Update: o A total of 2,170 remains of people have been recovered. o They have provided medical care to 2,950 people. o Their teams are supporting the establishment of temporary shelter centers. · Syrian Red Crescent Update: o As of February 12th, a total of 161,386 food and relief material and water bottles have been distributed in sheltering centers. o They have received the following supplies from international partners between February 14-15: ü Food and Relief supplies: 953.7 tons ü Medical Supplies: 59 tons · Food Security Update: o As of February 14, a total of 123,673 people in north-west Syria have been assisted with ready-to-eat rations and a total of 76,459 people have been provided cooked meals. o The World Food Programme through its cooperating partners has resumed general food distribution. Partners are scaling up to provide hot meals to affected areas. · REACH as completed an assessment of the affected areas, the key needs identified were: o The key reported needs for newly arrived Internal Displaced Persons (IDPs) were winterization and shelter support, while winterization and multi-purpose cash assistance were most reported for pre-earthquake populations in affected communities. o Damage was particularly often reported in Greater Idleb near the Turkish border, and in Afrin district in Northern Aleppo. Residential buildings were reportedly strongly impacted. o Access to key services was reportedly low, with no access to healthcare reported in 20% of assessed communities, which were directly impacted. o 85% of communities were reportedly directly impacted by the earthquake or new IDP arrivals. o A total of 55,000 households were estimated to be displaced, either within or between assessed communities. o 50,000 households estimated need tents or emergency shelter. · Debris Removal: o Rubble removal and rehabilitation efforts have been initiated by seven Early Recovery and Livelihoods partners. o Partners have also started to rehabilitate roads and remove debris to ensure access to affected sites/communities. · International Support Update: o On February 14th, a UN aid convoy, comprised of 11 trucks with aid provided by the International Organization for Migration crossed through Bab Al-Salam to north-west Syria. o Another 26 trucks loaded with aid provided by other UN agencies crossed through Bab Al-Hawa. o A total of 35 International Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) and Syrian NGOs signed a letter demanding unfettered access and a massive scale-up of the humanitarian response. o A total of 10 European countries have offered to support humanitarian operations. Relief flights have already begun to arrive to include seven tons of shelter, clothing, and food aid. o On February 14th, the European Union has deployed a mobile hospital to support survivors. o WHO supported mobile health teams are on the ground providing various vaccines to children and adults. Cultural Heritage Damage Highlights: · Blue Shield Türkiye is in the processing of conducting damage assessment in the affected areas. · The Arab Network of Civil Society Organizations to Safeguard Cultural Heritage has begun to identify potential damaged projects in Syria. Sources: · AFAD Press Bulletin about the Earthquake in Kahramanmaraş - 30 · Earthquake Response Rapid Needs Assessment - 15 February 2023 | Northwest Syria · Syria: 35 INGO and Syrian NGOs demanding unfettered access and massive scale-up of humanitarian response · OCHA Earthquakes: North-west Syria: Flash Update No. 8 as of 14 February 2023 · UNOCHA Twitter Page · WHO Syria Twitter Page · WHO Europe Twitter Page · Türkiye Red Crescent Twitter Page · Syrian Red Crescent Twitter Page · Syrian Civil Defense Twitter Page · EU ECHO Twitter Pages · UNOSAT Twitter Page · Arab Network of Civil Society Organizations to Safeguard Cultural Heritage Twitter Page · Blue Shield Türkiye Twitter Page Resources Earthquake in Türkiye and Syria - The private sector can help communities (New) UNOCHA Flash Appeal: Syrian Arab Republic Earthquake (February - May 2023) (New) UNITAR/UNOSAT Web Map of Affected Areas Logistics Cluster Tracker Site Physical Access Constraints Map Centre for Humanitarian Data, Türkiye/Syria Earthquake Website WHO flash appeal Earthquake response in Türkiye and Whole of Syria (10 February 2023) Maxar Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Swipe App Center For International Disaster Information, How to Help Global Citizen, Earthquake Crisis Response Challenge 3 ways to support survivors of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria Monetary Donations

· Türkiye Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Earthquake Donation Accounts

· Türkiye Red Crescent Crypto Donation

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