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Writer's pictureEmergency Manager's Weekly Report

Sudanese Civil War Situation Report #15

Conflict Highlights:

·         Sudan continues to spiral into chaos, with the humanitarian crisis worsening and the horrific toll of the conflict having on civilians in Al Fasher and other conflict hotspots.

·         Fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in various locations in Al Fasher locality, North Darfur State has escalated since April 1st.


Humanitarian Assistance Highlights:

·         The UN Migration Agency is reporting that over 10 million people are internally displaced within the country.

·         At least 2 million refugees have fled to neighboring countries (South Sudan, Chad, Egypt, Ethiopia, Uganda and the Central African Republic).

·         Between January 1 and April 30, 125 humanitarian partners provided more than 5.2 million people across the country with humanitarian assistance.

·         The Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) has continued to provide assistance throughout the country:

o   On June 26th, in partnership with the World Food Programme (WFP) they distributed food supplies to 21,467 displaced persons in the Neem camps.

o   The SRCS on June 29th provided shelter materials to 100 families in the displaced communities from the Jabal Muwayh areas.

·         The UN Migration Agency’s mobile medical clinic as of June 27th, continues to provide life-saving health care in the Kassala State.  This clinic also distributes food supplies and awareness sessions for mental health and psychosocial support.

·         Food Security Update:

o   As of June 27th, 50% of the population are struggling to feed their families and 755,000 people are facing catastrophic hunger.

o   Over 222,000 children are predicted to die of starvation in the coming months if no quick action is taken.

o   The World Health Organization (WHO) reported on June 29th, that they are supporting 114 stabilization centers throughout the country and 1,950 health workers are providing treatment to severely acute malnourished children requiring hospitalization.


Violations of International Humanitarian Law Highlights:

·         At least 15,500 people have been killed during the conflict. 

·         The UN Security Council on June 13th adopted a resolution calling on the RSF to end their siege on El Fasher, in North Darfur.

·         Healthcare Attacks:

o   On June 19th, WHO reported that the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) supported Al Nao hospital in Omdurman was struck by shelling which resulted in three deaths including a hospital volunteer.  At least 27 people were also injured.

o   On June 21st, the RSF shelled the MSF supported hospital’s pharmacy in Al Fasher:

ü  A pharmacist was killed, and the pharmacy building was damaged.

ü  The hospital was also damaged and is only partially functional.

o   WHO has also reported the following attacks on healthcare facilities in El Fasher:

ü  The only renal dialysis center was attacked and is now closed.  This facility served 90 patients.

ü  The Roro Hospital has been burned down and is now closed. 

·         The Youth Citizens Observers Network reported on June 28th that they are monitoring several recruitment camps inside the region and in Eritrean territory, affiliated with armed movements from the Darfur region and movements in eastern Sudan.



·         Sudan Humanitarian Update (24 June 2024)

·         Sudan Watchlist Crisis Alert: A Catastrophe the World is Choosing to Ignore

·         UNOCHA Sudan Twitter Page 

·         WFP Sudan Twitter Page 

·         WHO Sudan Twitter Page

·         Sudanese Red Crescent Society Twitter Page

·         Youth Citizens Observers Network Twitter Page 





South Sudan Regional Refugee Response Plan: January - December 2024 - Mid-Year Update, June 2024 (At a Glance) (New)


WHO Foundation, Health Emergency Response for Sudan

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