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Writer's pictureEmergency Manager's Weekly Report

Sudanese Civil War Situation Report #14

Conflict Highlights:

·         The security situation across Sudan remained highly volatile, with reports of heavy clashes between the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

·         These clashes have been concentrated in Khartoum, Al Jazirah, North Darfur, West Kordofan and North Kordofan states.


Humanitarian Assistance Highlights:

·         As of June 10th, 10 million people have been displaced in the country and refugees in neighboring countries have reached 2.1 million. 

·         Humanitarian organizations continue to deliver life-saving assistance to people in need:

o   The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reported that three trucks carrying core relief items have reached North Darfur from Chad via the Tine crossing. Those supplies are being distributed to more than 1,100 families in two localities near the border.

o   The World Health Organization (WHO) distributed nearly 20 metric tons of emergency health supplies on June 8th to 18 health facilities and five stabilization centers in North Kordofan State.

o   WHO has also managed to reach South Kordofan’s Abu Jubayhah Region for the first time this year to deliver emergency health supplies.

·         Food Security Update:

o   Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Status:

ü  IPC Phase 3 and 4 are widespread across Greater Darfur, Greater Kordofan, Khartoum, Al Jazirah, Kassala, and parts of the southeast.

ü  The number of people facing IPC Phase 5 is expected to escalate in areas with high concentrations of displaced and conflict-affected households in hard-to-reach areas across Greater Darfur.

o   The UN on June 7th delivered urgent food and nutrition aid to over 65,000 people in Central Darfur. 

o   On June 11th, the third World Food Programme (WFP) convoy crossed the border from Tine (Chad) into Sudan.

o   On June 12th, the WFP and the African Development Bank (AfDB) announced a AfDB-financed Sudan Emergency Wheat Production Project:

ü  This project has increased wheat production in the country by up to 70% in targeted project locations across five states.

ü  The yield of 645,000 metric tons of wheat this year accounted for 22% of the total wheat consumption needs of Sudan. 

ü  On average, farmers reported a 44% increase in productivity per hectare as compared to the previous season.

ü  The project provided 12 harvester machines to farmers associations in River Nile and Northern states to enable them to harvest produce more efficiently to avert losses.

·         The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) provided the following updates:

o   ETC services have been provided or planned in eight common operational areas.

o   Four UN Security Operations Center are being supported by the cluster.

o   42 sites in four locations are being provided with ETC connectivity services. 

·         On June 13th, the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) with support from the UN Children’s Fund rehabilitated 15 water pumps in shelter centers in Zalingei.

·         The UN Humanitarian appeal for 2024 is only 16% funded with less than $441 million received of the $2.7 billion required. 


Violations of International Humanitarian Law Highlights:

·         The Conflict Observatory published a report on June 12th on the impacts on civilians from fighting in El Fasher in North Darfur between May 9-27:

o   On May 9, a new round of fighting between the SAF and the RSF began in El Fasher:

ü  At least 7,800 structures have been affected by this fighting and almost all these structures were destroyed.

o   At least 41 properties have been affected by fighting in the Abou Shouk displacement camp. Almost all these structures saw evidence of burning or shelling.

·         On June 11th, the WHO reported an attack on South Hospital, which is the only facility with surgical capacity in Al Fasher, Darfur.

·         A nurse was also recently killed during an attack on a healthcare facility in Wad Al Noura.

·         A humanitarian worker with NGO Relief International died due to complications from a bullet wound sustained on June 1st.  This worker was the sixth humanitarian worker to be killed in the past six weeks. 



·         ETC Sudan Conflict crisis 2024 (12 June 2024)

·         Sudan Situation: UNHCR External Update #64, 30 May - 5 June 2024

·         Sudan - Key Message Update: Escalation of conflict underscores the risk of Famine ahead of the lean season’s peak (May 2024)

·         IPC Acute Food Insecurity Phase

·         UNOCHA Sudan Twitter Page 

·         WFP Sudan Twitter Page 

·         WHO Sudan Twitter Page

·         Sudanese Red Crescent Society Twitter Page

·         Conflict Observatory Twitter Page 





Sudan Situation: Regional Displacement Update (as of 10 June 2024) (New)


Statement by Principals of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee: No time to lose as famine stalks millions in Sudan amid intense fighting and access denials (New)


IntelBrief: Sudan Crisis Fades from the Headlines Even as the Conflict Intensifies (New)


WHO Foundation, Health Emergency Response for Sudan


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