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Russian Invasion of Ukraine Situation Report #81

  • The Ukrainian military reported the following Russian losses as of July 27:

o 244,270 Soldiers (Wounded or Killed) o 4,186 Tanks o 8,147 Armored vehicles o 4,745 Artillery o 315 Aircraft o 311 Helicopters o 3,996 Drones o 1,347 Cruise Missiles

  • International Support:

o Canada since February 2022 has committed over $1.5 Billion to Ukraine. o The European Union on July 25th has paid another 1.5 Billion Euros to assist Ukraine with running and repairing the country’s infrastructure. o On July 25th, the U.S. Department of Defense has announced additional security assistance. The capabilities in this package include: ü Additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems and National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems ü Stinger anti-aircraft systems ü Additional ammunition for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems ü 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds ü 120mm and 60mm mortar rounds ü 32 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers ü Tube-Launched, Optically Tracked Wire-Guided missiles. ü Javelin and other anti-armor systems and rockets ü Hornet Unmanned Aerial Systems ü Hydra-70 aircraft rockets ü Tactical air navigation systems ü Demolitions munitions for obstacle clearing. ü Over 28 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades ü Night vision devices and thermal imagery systems ü Spare parts, training munitions, and other field equipment

  • The United Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense is reporting the following:

o Fighting in Southern Ukraine: ü Over the last 48 hours there has been an uptick of fighting in two sectors in southern Ukraine. Ø South of Orikhiv, fighting is focused near the village of Robotyne, in the area of responsibility for Russia’s 58th Combined Arms Army. § 80 kilometres to the east, Ukrainian forces defeated elements of Russian airborne forces’ (VDV) 247th Guards Air Assault Regiment to capture the village of Staromaiorske. Ø Meanwhile, in the north, other VDV units continue offensive operations in the Serebriansk Forest west of Kremina but have achieved little ground. o Ukrainian military operations in the Zaporizhzhia Oblast: ü As Ukrainian forces continue major offensive operations in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, one of the single most influential Russian weapon systems in the sector is the Ka-52 HOKUM attack helicopter. ü Russia has highly likely lost around forty Ka-52s since the invasion, but the type has also imposed a heavy cost on Ukraine. ü In recent months, Russia has highly likely augmented the force in the south with at least a small number of brand new, Ka-52M variants: a heavily modified aircraft, informed by lessons from Russia’s experience in Syria. ü Evidence supporting the M variant’s use in Ukraine includes photos posted on social media of aircrew posing next to the new aircraft and thanking well-wishers for sending them morale items. ü Another key improvement to the Ka-52 fleet is the integration of a new anti-tank missile, the LMUR, which has a range of approximately 15km. Ka-52 crews have been quick to exploit opportunities to launch these weapons beyond the range of Ukrainian air defenses.

  • The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has provided the following updates:

o On July 29th, the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant has completed the planned transition of its reactor unit 5 to cold shutdown while moving reactor unit 4 to hot shutdown. The other units remain in cold shutdown. o The IAEA team at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant observed on July 23rd directional anti-personnel mines on the periphery of the site. War and Atrocity Crimes Investigations Highlights:

  • The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine registered 1,174 new war crimes between July 21-28.

  • The Lithuania government on July 29th provided numerous essential items (computers, cameras, printers, furniture, etc) to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine to support their offices in the frontline areas that have been damaged or destroyed.

  • On July 27th, the U.S. Agency for International Development delivered nine autonomous drones donated by Skydio. These drones will be used by the Office of the Prosecutor General to document the more than 115,000 instances of destroyed civilian infrastructure, and evidence of human rights abuses on frontline communities and liberated territories.

Humanitarian Impact and Response and Recovery Highlights:

  • The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is reporting the following:

o The UN in the first six months of 2023 have provided aid to 7.3 million people. o As of July 27th, humanitarian organizations have provided emergency cash assistance to 23,000 people affected by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam since June 6th. o The UN continues to organize at least two interagency convoys delivering relief supplies throughout the country.

  • The Ukrainian Red Cross has provided the following updates:

o A joint project with the Aurora multimarket allowed the transfer of air dehumidifiers to residents in the Kherson area. o On July 26th, they provided greenhouses, pumps, and generators to 1,400 households for the rebuilding of farms. This project was conducted in cooperation with the UN Migration Agency. o A total of 4,000 protective respirator masks were distributed to various communities on July 25th. o A total of 100 water storage containers that can each hold 1,000 liters of water are being sent to communities affected by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam. This was a joint project with the Total Energies Marketing Ukraine LLC.

  • Belarus Red Cross Secretary General’s visit to Luhansk and Donetsk Update:

o The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine is opening an investigation into Belarus Red Cross involvement in the forcible transfer and deportation of Ukrainian children. o The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) has released a statement, below are the highlights: ü The IFRC has contacted the Belarus Red Cross to express their grave concern and to stop any similar activity in the future. ü The visit and the activities associated with it were not coordinated with the other components of the Movement, as required by their internal rules and regulations. ü Actions by any member national Red Cross or Red Crescent Societies in contradiction with our humanitarian mission, fundamental principles and policies are taken extremely seriously by IFRC. ü The IFRC has referred this case to the Compliance and Mediation Committee, which, under the IFRC constitution, is an independent body investigating and addressing alleged breaches of integrity. Russian Dis-information Campaign Highlights:

  • Russia is continuing to state that its recent missile strikes in Odessa are only targeting military targets. Here is the fact check.

  • President Putin has stated that European support for Ukraine is declining. A recent survey though found that there had been no significant change in European attitudes toward support for Ukraine since April 2022.

  • The EU has recently sanctioned seven Russians and five entities for trying to impersonate legitimate media to spread disinformation.

Cultural Heritage Protection Highlights:

  • On July 26th, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched a training course for Ukrainian World Heritage Site managers. This course will address conservation and emergency preparedness for these sites.


  • USAID Delivers Skydio Autonomous Camera Drones to Ukraine to Document War Crimes

  • UNESCO Kyiv Twitter Page

  • OCHA Ukraine Twitter Page

  • EU Commission President Twitter Page

· Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Twitter Page · Ukrainian Red Cross Twitter Page · Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine Twitter Page · United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Twitter Page · U.S. Secretary of Defense Twitter Page · PolyGraph Info Twitter Page · EU East Stratcom Task Force Disinformation Review Twitter Page Resources UN Refugee Agency, Ukrainian Refugee Operational Data Portal Centre for Humanitarian Data, Ukraine Data Explorer https://data. Humanitarian Logistics Association, Ukraine Crisis Information Website ACAPS Ukraine Analysis Hub UKRAINE- HEALTH CLUSTER ACTIVITIES Dashboard U.S. Department of State, Disinformation Website U.S. Department of Defense, Support for Ukraine Alliance For Securing Democracy War in Ukraine Dis-Information Dashboard National Democratic Institute Disinformation Coordination Hub International Fact-Checking Network, #Ukraine Facts Monetary Donations

  • Ukrainian Red Cross: Cryptocurrency and PayPal

  • United Nations Crisis Relief

  • UN Refugee Agency Donations

  • UN Migration Agency Donations

  • UNESCO Paypal Account

  • International Council of Museums

  • Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund

  • WHO Foundation, Ukraine

  • Center for International Disaster Information

  • Center for Disaster Philanthropy, Ukraine

  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

· Ukrainian Government United 24

  • U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

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