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Russian Invasion of Ukraine Situation Report #74

  • The Ukrainian military is reporting the following Russian losses:

o 214,660 Soldiers (Wounded or Killed) o 3,909 Tanks o 7,607 Armored vehicles o 3,717 Artillery o 314 Aircraft o 299 Helicopters o 3,263 Drones

  • On June 10th, Russia launched cruise and ballistic missiles and drones against targets in the Kharkiv, Poltava, and Odesa regions:

o Ukrainian forces shot down two cruise missiles and 20 drones. o Fragments of a destroyed drone hit an apartment building in Odesa killing three civilians and injuring 27 people.

  • On June 9th, Russia launched four missiles and 10 drones against targets in the Uman, Cherkasy region, and Zviahel, Zhytomyr regions:

o A total of four missiles and 10 drones were shot down. o Several injuries were reported.

  • Destruction of the Kakhovska Dam:

o On June 6th, this dam was destroyed. It is located within a Russian controlled area. o The water levels of the reservoir were at a record high at the time of its destruction, resulting in a particularly high volume of water inundating the areas downstream. o The Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, is 120 kilometers away from the dam: ü The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is monitoring the situation and reports that there is no immediate risk to the plant. ü The IAEA Director-General will lead the next rotation of their support and assistance mission. ü The plant is working to ensure it has enough cooling water in reserve in case it can no longer access the Kakhovka reservoir.

  • The United Kingdom’s (UK) Ministry of Defense is reporting the following:

o Ukrainian offensive operations: ü In the last 48 hours significant Ukrainian operations have been taking place in several sectors of eastern and southern Ukraine. ü In some areas, Ukrainian forces have likely made good progress and penetrated the first line of Russian defenses. In other areas, Ukrainian progress has been slower. ü Russian performance has been mixed: some units are likely conducting credible defense operations while others have pulled back in some disorder, amid increased reports of Russian casualties as they withdraw through their own minefields. ü The Russian Airforce has been unusually active over southern Ukraine, where the airspace is more permissive for Russia than in other parts of the country. However, it remains unclear whether tactical airstrikes have been effective. o Feud between the Russian military and the Wagner Group: ü For the first time, Wagner’s owner Yevgeny Prigozhin has claimed that the Russian Army has employed deliberate, lethal force against Wagner units. Following an altercation, Wagner has likely detained a Russian army brigade commander. ü Most of Wagner’s forces have now been withdrawn from Bakhmut. With Russia short of reserve units, the degree to which Wagner remains responsive to the Russian military will be a key factor in the conflict over the coming weeks. o Use of Iranian Drones in May 2023: ü Russia launched over 300 Iranian drones against Ukrainian targets. ü They likely launched so many drones in an attempt to force Ukraine to fire stocks of valuable, advanced air defense missiles. ü Russia is unlikely to have been notably successful since Ukraine has neutralized at least 90% of the incoming drones using its older and cheaper air defense weapons and with electronic jamming. ü Russia has also likely been attempting to locate and strike Ukrainian forces well behind the front line. However, Russia remains very ineffective at hitting such dynamic targets at range because of its poor targeting processes.

  • On June 9th, the U.S. Department of Defense announced a new security assistance package. This packet includes the following:

o Additional munitions for Patriot air defense systems o HAWK air defense systems and missiles o 105mm and 203mm artillery rounds o Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems o Laser-guided rocket system munitions o Support for training, maintenance, and sustainment activities. War and Atrocity Crimes Investigations Highlights:

  • As of June 4th, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has recorded 24,425 civilian casualties (8,983 killed and 15,442 injured) in the country.

  • The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine has registered 1,410 new war crimes.

  • Immediately after the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam the Prosecutor General's Office opened an investigation and submitted all relevant information to the International Criminal Court.

  • On June 9th, the Ukrainian government reported that Russian forces shelled a hospital in Huliaipole. Two civilians were killed and two were injured.

Humanitarian Impact and Response and Recovery Highlights: Destruction of the Kakhovka Dam:

  • Flooding has started to recede as of June 9th, although the disaster is still causing displacement and rising humanitarian needs.

  • Throughout the Ukrainian-controlled areas of Khersonska oblast, nearly 40 villages and towns have been severely affected by the flood, with more than 3,620 houses being damaged.

  • The Russian authorities reported that the number of flooded houses in areas of Khersonska oblast under Russian military control increased to over 22,000.

  • The Ukrainian government reports that 40,000 people in total are at risk, with 25,000 people living in Russian controlled areas. However, the Russian government is not coordinating an evacuation of the affected areas.

  • The Ukrainian government has already evacuated 17,000 people and as of June 8th, has established nine evacuation points.

  • The Ukrainian State Emergency Services have deployed personnel and equipment to assist in evacuation efforts.

  • On June 8th, Russian shelling injured two first responders who were supporting evacuation efforts. Additional Russian shelling on June 9th, damaged several vehicles involved in evacuating stranded people and providing medical assistance.

  • Russian forces have also shelled civilians attempting to evacuate the affected areas.

  • The European Union (EU) has delivered 97,944 liters of drinking water to the affected areas.

  • Through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, the following member states are providing resources:

o Germany: 5,000 water filters and 56 generators o Austria: 20 water containers and 10 mud water pumps. o Lithuania and Germany: Shelter equipment (including tents, beds, and blankets).

  • The United Nations priorities in responding are to rescue people, deliver aid and address the ecological and economic consequences:

o The UN has already delivered six truckloads of vital supplies (water, food, medicines, shelter kits and household items) for another 6,000 people. o On June 9th, the World Food Programme delivered 30,000 rations of beans, canned meat, and bread.

  • The Ukrainian Red Cross is continuing to provide humanitarian aid and evacuating people in the affected areas. As of June 8th, they have evacuated 2,198 people.

Other Humanitarian Assistance Updates:

  • The current funding situation for the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan is:

o The requirement for full funding is $3.95 billion requirements. A total of $1.01 Billion in funding has been received.

  • The EU medical evacuation mission continues. As of June 7th, a total of 2,264 missions have been completed and 48 missions remain in progress.

  • Black Sea Grain Initiative Update (June 7th):

o There have been 974 outbound voyages carrying 31 million tons of commodities. o A total of 3.6 million tons of wheat has been shipped to lower income countries. o The UK Ministry of Defense reports that Russia is likely slowing inspections to hinder grain exports. Currently, only one or two ships are being inspected per day, compared with six to eight in the autumn of 2022. Russian Dis-information Campaign Highlights:

  • The Russian government is spreading false and misleading claims about the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam. Polygraph Info has already debunked two of these claims.

  • The Russian state-affiliated channel in the Telegram messaging service has fabricated a news report of the death of Ukraine’s Intelligence Chief.

  • Russia is still deporting Ukrainian children to Russia. Russia claims they are saving these children. The factcheck is available here.

Cultural Heritage Protection Highlights:

  • The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has verified as of June 7th damage to 259 cultural heritage sites. These include:

o 112 Religious sites o 22 Museums o 93 Buildings of historical and/or artistic interest o 19 Monuments o 12 Libraries o 1 Archive

  • UNESCO is also monitoring the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam. The UNESCO Black Sea Biosphere Reserve has already been partially flooded.

  • The Conflict Observatory and the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative have released a preliminary report on damage to cultural heritage repositories due to the destruction of the dam.


  • Ukraine - Humanitarian Impact and Response Flash Update #4: Destruction of Kakhovka Dam (9 Jun 2023)

  • Ukraine: 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan Funding Snapshot (as of 8 June 2023)

  • Russia’s war on Ukraine | MEDEVAC operations - DG ECHO Daily Map | 07/06/2023

  • Ukraine: Civilian casualties as of 24:00, 4 June 2023

  • Ukraine Data Explorer

  • Damaged cultural sites in Ukraine verified by UNESCO

  • OCHA Ukraine Twitter Page

· IAEA Twitter Page · ECHO Twitter Page · NATO Twitter Page · Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Twitter Page · Ukrainian Red Cross Twitter Page · Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine Twitter Page · United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Twitter Page · U.S. Secretary of Defense Twitter Page · PolyGraph Info Twitter Page · EU East Stratcom Task Force Disinformation Review Twitter Page · Conflict Observatory Twitter Page Resources IAEA Director General Statement to the IAEA Board of Governors (New) Channeling aid donations to Ukrainians (New) Ukraine: Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič on the destruction of the Kakhovka dam (New) Kakhovska dam damage and flood event monitoring using satellite data, 6 June 2023 (New) Damage assessment around the Nova Kakhova Dam, Ukraine as of 06 June 2023; 08:07 UTC - Imagery Analysis: 06/06/2023 | Published: 07/06/2023 V1 (New) NATO-Ukraine Commission meets with Ukrainian Foreign Minister, addresses destruction of Kakhovka dam (New) Conflict Observatory, Rapid Assessment: Impact of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station Destruction, June 9th (New) UN Refugee Agency, Ukrainian Refugee Operational Data Portal Centre for Humanitarian Data, Ukraine Data Explorer Humanitarian Logistics Association, Ukraine Crisis Information Website ACAPS Ukraine Analysis Hub UKRAINE- HEALTH CLUSTER ACTIVITIES Dashboard U.S. Department of State, Disinformation Website U.S. Department of Defense, Support for Ukraine Alliance For Securing Democracy War in Ukraine Dis-Information Dashboard National Democratic Institute Disinformation Coordination Hub International Fact-Checking Network, #Ukraine Facts Monetary Donations

  • Ukrainian Red Cross: Cryptocurrency and PayPal

  • United Nations Crisis Relief

  • UN Refugee Agency Donations

  • UN Migration Agency Donations

  • UNESCO Paypal Account

  • International Council of Museums

  • Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund

  • WHO Foundation, Ukraine

  • Center for International Disaster Information

  • Center for Disaster Philanthropy, Ukraine

  • International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

· Ukrainian Government United 24

  • U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants

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