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  • Writer's pictureEmergency Manager's Weekly Report

Maui Wildfires Situation Report #8

Highlights: · The Maui Fire Department is assisting the State Division of Forestry and Wildfire with the extinguishment and containment of the Upcountry Fire: o A total of 27 firefighters, six engines, and other equipment have been deployed. o The perimeter is holding, with suppression focusing on extinguishing scattered hotspots, mainly in the area gulches. · As of August 20th, there are 114 fatalities with 85% of the affected areas searched: o Maui County Fire Department and the Urban Search and Rescue teams are conducting secondary low and high searches. o The Federal Bureau of Investigation Honolulu Division is assisting the Maui Police Department with their efforts to locate and identify those who are missing or may be victims of the wildfires. · Human Services Operations Update: o There are 29 meal distribution sites open. o The Hawaii Red Cross has distributed 47,124 meals and snacks. o World Central Kitchen has partnered with Maui-based organization Local Harvest to support a free farmers market using locally grown produce. o 14 shelters are currently open (8 Mass Care and 5 Hotels). o There are 2 water distribution sites open and 11 water tankers have been deployed throughout the island. o 15 Supply Distribution Sites are currently open. o A total of 3,357 students are enrolling at alternate educational locations. o The State of Hawaii Department of Human Services has also created a list of Child Care Options for affected Maui families. o The Maui United Way is providing $1,000 in Emergency Financial Assistance to adults who suffered a direct loss from the fires. Details on this assistance is available here. · Infrastructure, Transportation and Power Restoration Updates: o The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has delivered seven generators to assist in restoring the water systems. o A total of 19 cellular towers have been restored. o The permanent fiber services have been repaired and restored between Kahana and Kapalua Airport areas. o There are three Temporary Flight Restriction Zones and one Drone Restriction Zone in place. o The U.S. Coast Guard has granted a safety zone exception to Maui County Fire Department so they can begin underwater search and recovery of remains from Lahaina Harbor. o A total of 1,905 customers remains without power. The estimated restoration of power in the affected areas is: ü West Maui: August 20-26 ü Central Maui: August 27 · Two Burned Area Emergency Response team members have begun work in the affected areas. · A total of 34 archaeological sites and historical buildings have been damaged or destroyed. Sources: · FEMA Daily Operations Briefing, August 20th · National US&R Response System Facebook Page · Hawaii Emergency Management Agency Twitter Page · Maui Nui Strong Facebook Page · Maui County Twitter Page · Maui County Fire Department Twitter Page · Hawaii Red Cross Twitter Page · Hawaiian Electric - Maui County Twitter Page · FBI Twitter Page · World Central Kitchen Twitter Page Resources Maui Nui Strong Website: · Facebook: · Instagram: FEMA, Disaster Fraud Website State of Hawaii, Maui Fires Central Information Website Hawaii Department of Health, Maui Fires Website FEMA, Hawaii Wildfires FEMA Rumor Control Website Airbnb, Maui Fires U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Small Business Resilience Hub Monetary Donations:

· Salvation Army, Hawaii

· Hawaiʻi Community Foundation, Maui Strong Fund

· Maui Economic Opportunity Rental Assistance Fund

· IAFF Foundation, Maui Firefighters Fund

· Disabled Disaster Relief Fund for the Maui Fires

· Hawaiian Chamber of Commerce Business Relief Fund

· Center for Disaster Philanthropy, Hawaii Wildfires Recovery Fund

· Council of Native Hawaiian Advancement, Kako’o Maui

· Lahaina Restoration Foundation, Cultural Heritage Sites Fund

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