• There are now over 40,000 newly Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) since November 11th. As of November 28th, more than 90% are sheltering in 23 emergency sites.
• Access to essential services remains a major challenge for displaced people in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area. The humanitarian community continues with activities in support of local actors. Healthcare and Public Health Update:
o The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reports that several health facilities have been closed due to gang attacks.
o The University Hospital of Peace remains open as of December 2nd, but it is overwhelmed with the incoming number of patients.
o PAHO as of November 26th has relocated some of its non-essential staff to more secure areas in the country. However, their humanitarian assistance continues uninterrupted.
o PAHO, in response to seven new suspected cases of Cholera at IDP sites, has delivered prevention messages and support to over 15,000 people:
o Mobile clinics have provided medical assistance to 18,631 IDPs in six sites.
3,577 Aquatabs have been distributed.
1,019 houses and latrines were decontaminated.
Over the last three months, the UN Migration Agency’s (IOM) mobile clinics have provided medical services to 7,000 people.
• The World Food Programme (WFP) goal is to have 100% food production in Haiti by 2030. In support of this goal, the WFP in October purchased $1.9 million worth of produce from Haitian farmers to be used in school meals.
• The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) resumed regular operations across the country on November 25th.
• Haiti: Armed attacks and displacements in the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince - Situation Report #6 (as of 25-29 November 2024)
• IOM Haiti Twitter Page
• WFP Haiti Twitter Page
• PAHO Haiti Twitter Page