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Writer's pictureEmergency Manager's Weekly Report

Undiagnosed Disease in the DRC Situation Report #1


• The African Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) reported the following as of December 9th:

o 527 total cases and 32 deaths. These cases and deaths have been reported in the Kwango Province of Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

o Most cases are reported among children, particularly those under five years old.

o The area affected is rural and remote, with access further hindered by the ongoing rainy season. Reaching it by road takes an estimated 48 hours.

o These challenges, coupled with limited diagnostics in the region, have delayed the identification of the underlying cause.

o Given the clinical presentation and symptoms reported, and several associated deaths, acute pneumonia, influenza, COVID-19, measles and malaria are being considered as potential causal factors with malnutrition as a contributing factor.

• The area experienced deterioration in food insecurity in recent months, has low vaccination coverage and very limited access to diagnostics and quality case management.

• Rapid response teams have been deployed to identify the cause of the outbreak and strengthen the response:

o The teams are collecting samples for laboratory testing, providing a more detailed clinical characterization of the detected cases, investigating the transmission dynamics, and actively searching for additional cases, both within health facilities and at the community level.

o These teams are also aiding with the treatment of patients, risk communication and community engagement.

• Risk Assessment:

o Affected Communities in the DRC: High

o National Level: Moderate

o Regional and Global Levels: Low


• Disease Outbreak News, Undiagnosed disease - Democratic Republic of the Congo

• Who African Region Twitter Page

• Africa CDC Twitter Page

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