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Writer's pictureEmergency Manager's Weekly Report

Türkiye/Syria Earthquake Situation Report #9

Türkiye Highlights: · There are now 42,310 fatalities. · A total of 448,010 people has been evacuated from the affected areas. · The government has deployed 242,392 search and rescue workers. · Military Support: o The air bridge is utilizing 116 helicopters and 78 aircraft and has flown 11,907 sorties. o A total of 38 ships have been deployed to deliver personnel and supplies to the affected areas. · Türkiye Red Crescent Update: o A total of 1,178 staff and 3,982 volunteers have been deployed. o They have distributed the following commodities: ü 29.2 million bottles of water ü 14.4 million Ready-to-Eat meals o They are operating several social markets in the affected areas that residents can obtain basic commodities free of charge. o A total of 86 Mobile Catering Units, 41 Mobile Ovens, 375 Mobile Kitchens and 22 Field Kitchens remain deployed. · International Support Update: o Member states of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) continue to provide humanitarian supplies through the Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC): ü Since February 7th, SAC has flown 8 missions transporting 279 tons of supplies. o NATO is also sending via ship 1,000 containers to be set-up as temporary housing. The first shipment of these containers left Italy on February 19th. Syrian Highlights: · There are now more than 4,500 fatalities and 8,500 injuries being reported. · A total of 10,000 buildings that have been damaged or destroyed. · The Syrian Civil Defense (White Helmets) are reporting the following: o They are continuing to provide medical care at shelter centers but also at numerous women and family centers. o To protect civilians they have begun to remove loss debris from buildings that have been damaged by the earthquakes. o Between February 13-20 they have provided 3,868 health service missions which included reproductive health services as well as follow-up care for pregnant women. o Between February 6-20 they have provided 2,106 ambulance operations, this includes 330 transfers for renal failure patients. · Healthcare Update: o Before the earthquakes, around 30 cases from Syria per day crossed the border to get medical attention in Türkiye. Since the border closure, this capacity to receive quality health support has been affected. o The procurement of medical supplies is becoming increasingly challenging. o The psychological first aid, case management and safe service points that are operating in the affected areas are overwhelmed with the rising needs post-disaster. · Food Security Update: o Urgent funding is required to replenish food stocks and scale up the response while in parallel resuming and maintaining regular food assistance to support targeted food-insecure people. o There is a shortage of food items in Idleb and surrounding areas have been reported by the Food Security and Livelihoods cluster partners. · Cross Border Operations: o Since February 9th, a total of 335 trucks have crossed the three border crossing points. o A total of 53 trucks crossed these points on February 23rd. Sources: · Earthquakes: North-west Syria: Flash Update No. 13 (as of 22 February 2023) · Earthquake Response Cross Border Operation from Türkiye to Northwest Syria (as of 23 February 2023) · AFAD Press Bulletin about the Earthquake in Kahramanmaraş - 34 · Earthquake relief: NATO Allies and partners airlift tents to Türkiye · Türkiye Red Crescent Twitter Page · Syrian Civil Defense Twitter Page Resources Syria: Estimation of unsafe and collapsed buildings in Latakia and in NW areas (22nd February 2023) (New) Earthquake Displacement Updates - North West Syria (17 February, 2023) (New) UNITAR/UNOSAT Web Map of Affected Areas Logistics Cluster Tracker Site Maxar Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Swipe App Business Brief: Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria - Humanitarian Overview and Call to Action (16 February 2023) Center For International Disaster Information, How to Help Centre for Humanitarian Data, Türkiye/Syria Earthquake Website Global Citizen, Earthquake Crisis Response Challenge 3 ways to support survivors of the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria Monetary Donations

· Türkiye Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Earthquake Donation Accounts

· Türkiye Red Crescent Crypto Donation

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