• Attacks by gangs have continued:
o On December 2nd, armed groups reportedly set fire to the Union Baptist Church in Nazon, which had already been attacked in November.
o Between December 6-8, armed groups killed 184 people in the Wharf Jérémie neighborhood in Cité Soleil.
o On December 7th, armed attacks in Poste Marchand, Fort National and Christ Roi Moise in Port-au-Prince led to the displacement of at least 4,726 people, all of whom fled to seven sites.
o 20 people were killed and over 10,600 people were displaced by an attack in Petite Rivière de l’Artibonite on December 10th.
• There are 6 million people that will require humanitarian assistance in 2025.
• The UN and its partners have distributed the following aid:
o Over 903,000 liters of potable water to 60,000 people across 26 sites.
o More than 107,000 hot meals have been distributed to 24,000 Internally Displaced Persons.
• The Pan American Health Organization has been operating 60 mobile heath clinics throughout the country. These sites provide basic healthcare to 100,000 people.
• The ongoing violence has disrupted food production and transport. According to the World Food Programme’s November market monitoring, the national median cost of the basic food basket rose by 2% between September and October.
• Latin America & The Caribbean Weekly Situation Update as of 13 December 2024
• Haiti: Armed attacks and displacements in the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince - Situation Report #7 (30 November to 6 December)
• IOM Haiti Twitter Page
• PAHO Haiti Twitter Page