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Writer's pictureEmergency Manager's Weekly Report

Equatorial Guinea Marburg Outbreak Situation Report #1


· On February 13th, the Equatorial Guinea Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoH) reported a confirmed Marburg virus disease (MVD) outbreak in the Kie Ntem province in the Northwestern part of the country:

o This is the first MVD outbreak that has ever been declared in Equatorial Guinea.

o There is one confirmed case and 16 suspected cases.

o A total of nine people has died.

o The source of this outbreak is still unclear and genome sequencing results are still pending.

o A district health official detected the outbreak on February 7th.

o The initial confirmed case and other suspected cases presented with fever, fatigue, bloodstained vomit, and diarrhea.

o Approximately 4,325 people are under quarantine at their homes and are given daily health checks.

o Movement restrictions have been applied to the entire district of Kie Ntem.

· MVD is a severe and often fatal illness in humans:

o Human-to-human transmission occurs through direct contact with body fluids from infected persons or contact with equipment and other materials contaminated with infectious blood or tissues, and body fluids of infected people.

o No vaccine, specific treatment or approved antiviral treatments are available. However, supportive care (rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids) and treatment of specific symptoms can improve survival.

· Response Activities:

o The MoH has deployed rapid response teams to support further investigations. These teams will also be doing active case searches, contact tracing and case management.

o Africa Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (Africa CDC):

ü Africa CDC has deployed a team of experts to support response efforts in the country.

ü They are also engaging the neighboring countries (Gabon and Cameroon) to support the cross-border context of the outbreak and guide regional surveillance strategies in containing the outbreak.

o The World Health Organization is also facilitating the shipment of laboratory support equipment for sample testing and a viral hemorrhagic fever kit that includes personal protective equipment that can be used by 500 health workers.


· Press Release on Marburg Virus Disease in Equatorial Guinea (14 February 2023)

· Equatorial Guinea - Marburg outbreak (WHO, UN, national health authorities) (ECHO Daily Flash of 15 February 2023)

· WHO African Region Twitter Page

· NETEC Twitter Page


NETEC, Marburg Virus Resource Library

Marburg virus disease: A summary for clinicians

Global Center for Health Security, Marburg Virus in Equatorial Guinea

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